monarch program




terms of use


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Terms of use

"Working within the corporation
of Air Canada from the inside
to improve the morale and
work ethic of the corporation's
most precious resource, its

Email us with your thoughts



The Monarch Room is for the use of all Air Canada employees.

This room is a sanctuary and therefore reserved and protected for people that are looking for a peaceful place to unwind and relax. This means that no conversation that cause problems will be tolerated. Behavior that is disruptive will also lead to that person being asked to go elsewhere. It is important that our room be safe and free from the tensions that create problems during our shifts.

Our intent is to provide the latest in relaxation techniques, speakers that motivate and an environment free of stress.

To manage the room effectively a sign-in sheet will be used so employees can build in healing time without the potential to abuse the facility and staff with extraordinary demands.

Our target launch date for the Monarch Room is in May 18th, 2005.

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